Who's Who and what's what
The Elydian Dawn series covers a lot of time and distance. The books build on one another, so some characters may appear in more than one story. Each book has multiple viewpoint characters.
The main POV characters in Book #1, Elysian Dawn, are
Marianne, Edsen, and Moon, (passengers on Elysian Dawn)
Cornelia, (Outward-Bound director)
Dev and Diya SIngh (Terrans living on Shiva)
Meera (Shivan Citizen) and Jameel (Shivan Cleaner)
In Book #2, The Silvering, the main POV characters are
Marianne, Edsen and Moon
Harry (medic and founder of the Rachel Foundation)
Dorotea and Daffodil (medics)
Meera and Jameel
In Book #3, New Dreams, the main POV characters are
Marianne and Edsen
Kat (a Provost)
Here's a much more extensive list of people, places and terms from Books #1, #2 and #3. If and when you read the series (as of May 2018 Book 1 is available HERE) you may find this useful. Each book will have its own Who's Who page eventually.
On the colony starship Elysian Dawn
At seventeen, Marianne Arcadia is engaged to Jeremiah Rain. She is a practical romantic, with a fascination for myths and legends. Her parents are Anya and Markus Arcadia. She has two brothers; Aleph, who is eleven and Bede, who is eight. Marianne was born on Elysian Dawn. She is the eldest of the shipborn.
At fifteen, Edsen Balm is the only child of com-tats Carolina and Eduard. He is a loner, intelligent but socially awkward. The nearest people he has to friends are Jeremiah and Marianne.
Jeremiah Rain is twenty-three. He is engaged to Marianne and tolerates Edsen's obvious preference for her company. His parents are William and Ursa Rain and he has two younger brothers; Japhet, married to Suki and the father of Lilly, and Jed, married to Gretel, and the father of Inga and Franz. Jeremiah was nearly five when he left Terra. He has a few vague memories of it; specifically of his maternal grandmother who taught him to read.
Hanaka Moon is the forty-year-old healer, who was a medical doctor on Terra. Her husband is Han Shuan and they have three daughters; Momo, who is thirteen, Sakura, who is ten, and Panji, who is seven.
Other characters playing an active role include:
Amrita Kavya who is a young child
Claire Atlantis, a fourteen-year-old
Finn Causeway, who is sixteen, and his younger brother, Farne.
Granton Farsee, Hillman Hope and Zeb Carpenter, all fourteen-year-old boys
Sherry Cliffside, who is fourteen
Tamma Windward, a capable twelve-year-old
Characters mentioned or playing smaller roles
Van and Bitsie Collier (2nd com-tat family)
Jinn, Kammison and Dashiel Shakespeare (friends of Jeremiah)
Kessie MaButo, her sister Lian Tan nee Mabuto and Lian's husband, Sebastian
Sol and Luna Sunflower, brother and sister
Mia Cornwall and Olivia Cornwall, twin sisters, cousins of Marianne
Tarn Rush
Pip Cliffside (Sherry's sister)
Vanessin Wilg
Emilia Ocean
Aled Kassia
Faxon Causeway (dec. twin brother of Finn)
Kris and Nell, husband and wife
On Indira
Doctor Daffodil Lan, a Terran GP who is twenty-five
Doctor Dorotea Suchet, a Terran paediatrician working on Shiva. Dorotea is in her sixties, with no ties.
Doctor Gerd Benz, a Terran surgeon working on Shiva. He's about fifty and said to be a cold fish.
Doctor Harry Fejoa, a specialist in exotic diseases and counselling, owns the Rachel Foundation. A mystery man, also known as Tank Man.
Dov Talman, a sandy-haired com expert, cheerful but concerned with regulations.
Jameel Singh, Ambassador for Citizen Meera Singh. Jameel is in his twenties, the son of Dev and Diya Singh. He is charming and well-educated and works as a cleaner at Krishna University on Shiva. His Terran fiancee is named Tanvi Kumar
Lime and Rose - two Provosts... avatars inhabited by six people in rotation
Kat. One of the Rose facets
Passim Dee, a metallurgist who has been working on Juno.
Terrence ‘Terror’ Australis, an Australian tech.
Also the captain, more techs, medical staff, undefined crew.
At and around Outward-Bound
Cornelia Conti, in her fifties now, Cornelia is one of the Faceless Four who gave the command to launch Elysian Dawn. Cornelia is a quietly stubborn person, whose hair is grey in a time and place where that is difficult to achieve. She enjoys embroidery.
Christos Conti. Cornelia's nephew - her Outward-Bound heir. We don't meet him/
Harry Fejoa. aka Tank Man. Harry's fortunes are bound up with Outward-Bound. He worked for them originally, and was a colonist elect who lost his place when the parameters changed.
Landon Chavez (dec) Landon was the eldest and most dominant of the Faceless Four. He talked the others into starting the launch. He died the year before the Elysian Dawn crash.
Lyrica Chavez is Landon's heir. She's twelve, and we don't meet her.
Rachel is Harry Fejoa's fiancee who has been in a coma for over twenty years.
Samantha Woo is the second female in the Faceless Four. She's friendly but a bit dry. She dresses smartly.
Tomas Ash is the second male of the Faceless Four, a passionate but diffident person.
Turquoise is an anonymous person masquerading as a Provost on a visit to Outward-Bound. Turq works for the Rachel Foundation.
In New Delhi (18 years ago)
Dev Singh a devoted husband and father, terrified of losing his wife to depression because she longs for a daughter and they can't afford the second-child tax.
Diya Singh is Dev's wife, mother of their son, Jameel.
Jameel Singh is a small boy, only son on Dev and Diya.
Seena Patel is Dev's kindly sister
Wahab Singh is Dev's grandfather
Leela is Dev's aunt
On Shiva
Dev Singh moved to Shiva after winning the Ganges lottery
Diya Singh is his wife. Both work as teachers on Shiva.
Jameel Singh brought up on Shiva after their move. As a Terraborn, he gets an excellent education but is given a job as a cleaner at Krishna University. He is engaged to Tanvi Kumar, a Terran lecturer.
Harley Neel is a Terran messenger
Blueberry, Lemon, Lilac, Lime, Rose, and Tangerine are Provosts of Shiva. These avatars are filled by 36 facets, including the 'original' of each.
Citizen Meera Nihira Singh is a beautiful and privileged communications officer at Tower 2. She is Jameel's sister, daughter of Dev and Diya. She wears the shindi, a sparkling circle on her forehead, which gives feedback to the Provosts.
Citizen Ram Chatterjee is three months younger than Meera, and also works at Tower 2.
Tanvi Kumar is the sweet-natured Terran lecturer who is engaged to Jameel Singh.
Katrina 'Kat' Lund is a Terra-born Shivan, one of the facets of the Rose Provost.
Lila is a Terra-born Shivan with two daughters. She is a facet of the Lemon Provost
Turquoise aka Turq is Harry Fejoa's spy
Gold is a Junoese facilitator, working briefly for the Provosts
Terra is Earth. To be Terraborn is to have been born on Terra but living elsewhere. To be Terran suggests being born and mostly resident on Terra.
Shiva is the first settled planet in the Spiral Worlds. It is run on a modified communist system with tight regulations and strong bias to the Shivan Citizens, those born on the planet. Citizens have every opportunity, but may never leave the planet. It is impossible to be a Citizen without being born on Shiva. Krishna is the major centre. The world is run and administered by six Provosts, Terran regents until the Citizens come of age. There are actually 36 people behind the six. Shiva sees itself as progressive and wealthy, but lacks salt. Ganges was its colony ship. Shiva's sun is so strong no one goes outside uncovered.
Juno is the second settled planet in the Spiral Worlds. It is ruled by High Ladies and is elite and determined not to allow any foreign animals or plants to get a foothold. One export is the purple canary plant, which is sensitive to pollutants. Its colony ship was Zulu Queen. Juno has a benign climate and is safe.
Magellan Sixteen is the planet to which Elysian Dawn was headed. It's a twin to Terra.
Aurora is a planet in the Crab, passed by Elysian Dawn
Elydia is the single planet of Caspar, and the one where Elysian Dawn crashes. It has three moons, and an ubiquitous silver substance present right through it ecology. Plants include woolwood, kissing-fruit, pondcups, mushrooms and tubers, and melons. Wildlife includes heymice, cheerful, sociable and intelligent creatures.
Ships and Foundations
Elysian Dawn is a generational starship with a FeTtL Type One drive, taking the Elysians to Magellan 16. It crashes on Elydia, setting the story in motion.
Ganges is a colony ship with a FeTtL Type Two drive, headed for Shiva.
Zulu Queen is a colony ship with a FeTtL Type Two drive, headed for Juno.
Indira is a ferryship with a FeTtL Type Three drive, running the Shiva-Terra loop. It has a fast-response lander and two shuttles.
Lotus is an older ferryship.
Terra Nova - shuttle belonging to Outward-Bound
High Lady is a ferryship plying the route between Juno and Shiva
Outward-Bound is the company devoted to First Launch. Once influential, it rapidly declined and is now proudly solvent...on a peppercorn budget. It has three director/employees
The Rachel Foundation is owned by Harry Fejoa, and named after his fiancee, Rachel. The Foundation maintains stasis-tanks used for cure-coasting. It also collects and monitors new tech and medical breakthroughs.
Things and Terms
Barrens Cat – predator hinted at but not met in this book
Canary Plant – a purple “early warning” plant imported from Juno. Outward-Bound has one
Celestial Map A map showing position in the galaxy
Citizen Specifically a person born on Shiva
Com-tat One of the dedicated communication experts on Elysian Dawn
Commtech A communications tech on Indira
Comm-set A new state-of-the-art portable communications device that has interstellar capability. Supposed to be only for use for Shivan benefit.
Elves Name for the children of eleven or twelve. Not set in stone. Momo is an honorary Top-Ender while Sakura and Panji are honorary Elves
Film indestructible material for printed permanent records
Gas Whale – creature sighted but not named in this book
Gauge A medical check to watch height/weight and BMI
Heymouse / heymice Indigenous animals on Elydia. Friendly, sociable and intelligent.
High Lady - high-born Junoese whose honour is absolute
Kissing-fruit Silver-brown berries on Elydia. Taste like tomatoes
List A list of genetically compatible candidates is given to teenagers approaching marriageable age. It’s not compulsory.
Moon blossoms Collective name for the three daughters of Hanaka Moon and Han Shuan. Momo (Momoko means peach), Sakura (cherry blossom) and Panji (pansy)
Mushrooms Tasty fungi on Elydia
Peeling the Pear A “winding” orbit for mapping planets
Permasheet indestructible material for writing permanent records
Pondcups Broad, cupped leaves that have pools of water in them
Provost Terran regent on Shiva. Supposedly there are six, but actually, there are many more. They plan to hand over Shivan affairs to the Citizens when they come of age.
Rockmelon striped silver melons above
Rockseed – wedge-shaped silver seeds Bede uses as a screwdriver
Shipborn Children born on Elysian Dawn
Silver/ Silvering / Silver substance The element present in all Elydian systems.
Stas-tank / stasis-tank, Tank Tank filled with brown goop that sustains animals or people in deep sleep. It's not quite suspended animation, as they age but very slowly, at about a day for every standard year
Stasi-sheet Fine sheets of material used to wrap and preserve bodies
Terra-tat The Terra-tattle. A coding communications machine that communicates with Outward-Bound.
Terraborn People born on Terra, especially those now living elsewhere
Top-Enders Name for the surviving shipborn who are over 14
Twiskers Cornelia Conti’s cat
Woolwood Wooly bushes on Elydia. Bear tangy fruit
Shorts, shirt and shoes – ubiquitous wear on Elysian Dawn
Hats and extra-large shirts (actually smocks) issued to the Shipborn to prevent sunburn on Elydia
Iso-wear / iso-suit Isolation suit worn by the medics and techs from Indira
Burnoose, hood and veil White cover-up to keep Shivan sun off the skin
Kameez Salwar Brightly coloured Indian-based clothing worn by Citizens
Bright clothing is reserved for Citizens. Terran residents wear more subdued hues
Saree Traditional Indian wear… Diya Singh has one
Robe and veil and shoes Colour-coded enveloping clothing worn by Provosts
Shindi A sparkling disc permanently fixed to Shivan girl Citizens’ foreheads. The men wear theirs on the right cheek
Stay-Color A substance in almost all shampoos, designed to prevent hair greying
Note on Surnames
The folk of Elysian Dawn chose new family names when they embarked on the ship. Very few of them told their shipborn children what their original name was. Names on the ship include these, though there are others. Those in italics are "lost" as the bearers didn't survive.
Arcadia (from the Greek myths)
Balm (A herb name, an easement)
Carpenter (A Christian concept)
Cliffside (May be a reference to a former residence)
Collier (An occupation. May reflect former residence)
Farsee (Looking ahead)
Hope (The noun)
Kavya (May refer to a poem)
MaButo (suggests African heritage)
Moon (Japanese heritage... the noun)
Rain (The noun)
Shakespeare (After the poet and playwright)
Sunflower (The plant)
Windward (Ship term)
Kassia (A plant)
Atlantis (from the Plato story)
Causeway (A kind of bridge...also Irish heritage)
Ocean (The noun)
Rush (Plant name and may refer to secrets)
Shuan (Japanese heritage)
Tan (Asian heritage)
Wilg (Dutch heritage... means willow)
The main POV characters in Book #1, Elysian Dawn, are
Marianne, Edsen, and Moon, (passengers on Elysian Dawn)
Cornelia, (Outward-Bound director)
Dev and Diya SIngh (Terrans living on Shiva)
Meera (Shivan Citizen) and Jameel (Shivan Cleaner)
In Book #2, The Silvering, the main POV characters are
Marianne, Edsen and Moon
Harry (medic and founder of the Rachel Foundation)
Dorotea and Daffodil (medics)
Meera and Jameel
In Book #3, New Dreams, the main POV characters are
Marianne and Edsen
Kat (a Provost)
Here's a much more extensive list of people, places and terms from Books #1, #2 and #3. If and when you read the series (as of May 2018 Book 1 is available HERE) you may find this useful. Each book will have its own Who's Who page eventually.
On the colony starship Elysian Dawn
At seventeen, Marianne Arcadia is engaged to Jeremiah Rain. She is a practical romantic, with a fascination for myths and legends. Her parents are Anya and Markus Arcadia. She has two brothers; Aleph, who is eleven and Bede, who is eight. Marianne was born on Elysian Dawn. She is the eldest of the shipborn.
At fifteen, Edsen Balm is the only child of com-tats Carolina and Eduard. He is a loner, intelligent but socially awkward. The nearest people he has to friends are Jeremiah and Marianne.
Jeremiah Rain is twenty-three. He is engaged to Marianne and tolerates Edsen's obvious preference for her company. His parents are William and Ursa Rain and he has two younger brothers; Japhet, married to Suki and the father of Lilly, and Jed, married to Gretel, and the father of Inga and Franz. Jeremiah was nearly five when he left Terra. He has a few vague memories of it; specifically of his maternal grandmother who taught him to read.
Hanaka Moon is the forty-year-old healer, who was a medical doctor on Terra. Her husband is Han Shuan and they have three daughters; Momo, who is thirteen, Sakura, who is ten, and Panji, who is seven.
Other characters playing an active role include:
Amrita Kavya who is a young child
Claire Atlantis, a fourteen-year-old
Finn Causeway, who is sixteen, and his younger brother, Farne.
Granton Farsee, Hillman Hope and Zeb Carpenter, all fourteen-year-old boys
Sherry Cliffside, who is fourteen
Tamma Windward, a capable twelve-year-old
Characters mentioned or playing smaller roles
Van and Bitsie Collier (2nd com-tat family)
Jinn, Kammison and Dashiel Shakespeare (friends of Jeremiah)
Kessie MaButo, her sister Lian Tan nee Mabuto and Lian's husband, Sebastian
Sol and Luna Sunflower, brother and sister
Mia Cornwall and Olivia Cornwall, twin sisters, cousins of Marianne
Tarn Rush
Pip Cliffside (Sherry's sister)
Vanessin Wilg
Emilia Ocean
Aled Kassia
Faxon Causeway (dec. twin brother of Finn)
Kris and Nell, husband and wife
On Indira
Doctor Daffodil Lan, a Terran GP who is twenty-five
Doctor Dorotea Suchet, a Terran paediatrician working on Shiva. Dorotea is in her sixties, with no ties.
Doctor Gerd Benz, a Terran surgeon working on Shiva. He's about fifty and said to be a cold fish.
Doctor Harry Fejoa, a specialist in exotic diseases and counselling, owns the Rachel Foundation. A mystery man, also known as Tank Man.
Dov Talman, a sandy-haired com expert, cheerful but concerned with regulations.
Jameel Singh, Ambassador for Citizen Meera Singh. Jameel is in his twenties, the son of Dev and Diya Singh. He is charming and well-educated and works as a cleaner at Krishna University on Shiva. His Terran fiancee is named Tanvi Kumar
Lime and Rose - two Provosts... avatars inhabited by six people in rotation
Kat. One of the Rose facets
Passim Dee, a metallurgist who has been working on Juno.
Terrence ‘Terror’ Australis, an Australian tech.
Also the captain, more techs, medical staff, undefined crew.
At and around Outward-Bound
Cornelia Conti, in her fifties now, Cornelia is one of the Faceless Four who gave the command to launch Elysian Dawn. Cornelia is a quietly stubborn person, whose hair is grey in a time and place where that is difficult to achieve. She enjoys embroidery.
Christos Conti. Cornelia's nephew - her Outward-Bound heir. We don't meet him/
Harry Fejoa. aka Tank Man. Harry's fortunes are bound up with Outward-Bound. He worked for them originally, and was a colonist elect who lost his place when the parameters changed.
Landon Chavez (dec) Landon was the eldest and most dominant of the Faceless Four. He talked the others into starting the launch. He died the year before the Elysian Dawn crash.
Lyrica Chavez is Landon's heir. She's twelve, and we don't meet her.
Rachel is Harry Fejoa's fiancee who has been in a coma for over twenty years.
Samantha Woo is the second female in the Faceless Four. She's friendly but a bit dry. She dresses smartly.
Tomas Ash is the second male of the Faceless Four, a passionate but diffident person.
Turquoise is an anonymous person masquerading as a Provost on a visit to Outward-Bound. Turq works for the Rachel Foundation.
In New Delhi (18 years ago)
Dev Singh a devoted husband and father, terrified of losing his wife to depression because she longs for a daughter and they can't afford the second-child tax.
Diya Singh is Dev's wife, mother of their son, Jameel.
Jameel Singh is a small boy, only son on Dev and Diya.
Seena Patel is Dev's kindly sister
Wahab Singh is Dev's grandfather
Leela is Dev's aunt
On Shiva
Dev Singh moved to Shiva after winning the Ganges lottery
Diya Singh is his wife. Both work as teachers on Shiva.
Jameel Singh brought up on Shiva after their move. As a Terraborn, he gets an excellent education but is given a job as a cleaner at Krishna University. He is engaged to Tanvi Kumar, a Terran lecturer.
Harley Neel is a Terran messenger
Blueberry, Lemon, Lilac, Lime, Rose, and Tangerine are Provosts of Shiva. These avatars are filled by 36 facets, including the 'original' of each.
Citizen Meera Nihira Singh is a beautiful and privileged communications officer at Tower 2. She is Jameel's sister, daughter of Dev and Diya. She wears the shindi, a sparkling circle on her forehead, which gives feedback to the Provosts.
Citizen Ram Chatterjee is three months younger than Meera, and also works at Tower 2.
Tanvi Kumar is the sweet-natured Terran lecturer who is engaged to Jameel Singh.
Katrina 'Kat' Lund is a Terra-born Shivan, one of the facets of the Rose Provost.
Lila is a Terra-born Shivan with two daughters. She is a facet of the Lemon Provost
Turquoise aka Turq is Harry Fejoa's spy
Gold is a Junoese facilitator, working briefly for the Provosts
Terra is Earth. To be Terraborn is to have been born on Terra but living elsewhere. To be Terran suggests being born and mostly resident on Terra.
Shiva is the first settled planet in the Spiral Worlds. It is run on a modified communist system with tight regulations and strong bias to the Shivan Citizens, those born on the planet. Citizens have every opportunity, but may never leave the planet. It is impossible to be a Citizen without being born on Shiva. Krishna is the major centre. The world is run and administered by six Provosts, Terran regents until the Citizens come of age. There are actually 36 people behind the six. Shiva sees itself as progressive and wealthy, but lacks salt. Ganges was its colony ship. Shiva's sun is so strong no one goes outside uncovered.
Juno is the second settled planet in the Spiral Worlds. It is ruled by High Ladies and is elite and determined not to allow any foreign animals or plants to get a foothold. One export is the purple canary plant, which is sensitive to pollutants. Its colony ship was Zulu Queen. Juno has a benign climate and is safe.
Magellan Sixteen is the planet to which Elysian Dawn was headed. It's a twin to Terra.
Aurora is a planet in the Crab, passed by Elysian Dawn
Elydia is the single planet of Caspar, and the one where Elysian Dawn crashes. It has three moons, and an ubiquitous silver substance present right through it ecology. Plants include woolwood, kissing-fruit, pondcups, mushrooms and tubers, and melons. Wildlife includes heymice, cheerful, sociable and intelligent creatures.
Ships and Foundations
Elysian Dawn is a generational starship with a FeTtL Type One drive, taking the Elysians to Magellan 16. It crashes on Elydia, setting the story in motion.
Ganges is a colony ship with a FeTtL Type Two drive, headed for Shiva.
Zulu Queen is a colony ship with a FeTtL Type Two drive, headed for Juno.
Indira is a ferryship with a FeTtL Type Three drive, running the Shiva-Terra loop. It has a fast-response lander and two shuttles.
Lotus is an older ferryship.
Terra Nova - shuttle belonging to Outward-Bound
High Lady is a ferryship plying the route between Juno and Shiva
Outward-Bound is the company devoted to First Launch. Once influential, it rapidly declined and is now proudly solvent...on a peppercorn budget. It has three director/employees
The Rachel Foundation is owned by Harry Fejoa, and named after his fiancee, Rachel. The Foundation maintains stasis-tanks used for cure-coasting. It also collects and monitors new tech and medical breakthroughs.
Things and Terms
Barrens Cat – predator hinted at but not met in this book
Canary Plant – a purple “early warning” plant imported from Juno. Outward-Bound has one
Celestial Map A map showing position in the galaxy
Citizen Specifically a person born on Shiva
Com-tat One of the dedicated communication experts on Elysian Dawn
Commtech A communications tech on Indira
Comm-set A new state-of-the-art portable communications device that has interstellar capability. Supposed to be only for use for Shivan benefit.
Elves Name for the children of eleven or twelve. Not set in stone. Momo is an honorary Top-Ender while Sakura and Panji are honorary Elves
Film indestructible material for printed permanent records
Gas Whale – creature sighted but not named in this book
Gauge A medical check to watch height/weight and BMI
Heymouse / heymice Indigenous animals on Elydia. Friendly, sociable and intelligent.
High Lady - high-born Junoese whose honour is absolute
Kissing-fruit Silver-brown berries on Elydia. Taste like tomatoes
List A list of genetically compatible candidates is given to teenagers approaching marriageable age. It’s not compulsory.
Moon blossoms Collective name for the three daughters of Hanaka Moon and Han Shuan. Momo (Momoko means peach), Sakura (cherry blossom) and Panji (pansy)
Mushrooms Tasty fungi on Elydia
Peeling the Pear A “winding” orbit for mapping planets
Permasheet indestructible material for writing permanent records
Pondcups Broad, cupped leaves that have pools of water in them
Provost Terran regent on Shiva. Supposedly there are six, but actually, there are many more. They plan to hand over Shivan affairs to the Citizens when they come of age.
Rockmelon striped silver melons above
Rockseed – wedge-shaped silver seeds Bede uses as a screwdriver
Shipborn Children born on Elysian Dawn
Silver/ Silvering / Silver substance The element present in all Elydian systems.
Stas-tank / stasis-tank, Tank Tank filled with brown goop that sustains animals or people in deep sleep. It's not quite suspended animation, as they age but very slowly, at about a day for every standard year
Stasi-sheet Fine sheets of material used to wrap and preserve bodies
Terra-tat The Terra-tattle. A coding communications machine that communicates with Outward-Bound.
Terraborn People born on Terra, especially those now living elsewhere
Top-Enders Name for the surviving shipborn who are over 14
Twiskers Cornelia Conti’s cat
Woolwood Wooly bushes on Elydia. Bear tangy fruit
Shorts, shirt and shoes – ubiquitous wear on Elysian Dawn
Hats and extra-large shirts (actually smocks) issued to the Shipborn to prevent sunburn on Elydia
Iso-wear / iso-suit Isolation suit worn by the medics and techs from Indira
Burnoose, hood and veil White cover-up to keep Shivan sun off the skin
Kameez Salwar Brightly coloured Indian-based clothing worn by Citizens
Bright clothing is reserved for Citizens. Terran residents wear more subdued hues
Saree Traditional Indian wear… Diya Singh has one
Robe and veil and shoes Colour-coded enveloping clothing worn by Provosts
Shindi A sparkling disc permanently fixed to Shivan girl Citizens’ foreheads. The men wear theirs on the right cheek
Stay-Color A substance in almost all shampoos, designed to prevent hair greying
Note on Surnames
The folk of Elysian Dawn chose new family names when they embarked on the ship. Very few of them told their shipborn children what their original name was. Names on the ship include these, though there are others. Those in italics are "lost" as the bearers didn't survive.
Arcadia (from the Greek myths)
Balm (A herb name, an easement)
Carpenter (A Christian concept)
Cliffside (May be a reference to a former residence)
Collier (An occupation. May reflect former residence)
Farsee (Looking ahead)
Hope (The noun)
Kavya (May refer to a poem)
MaButo (suggests African heritage)
Moon (Japanese heritage... the noun)
Rain (The noun)
Shakespeare (After the poet and playwright)
Sunflower (The plant)
Windward (Ship term)
Kassia (A plant)
Atlantis (from the Plato story)
Causeway (A kind of bridge...also Irish heritage)
Ocean (The noun)
Rush (Plant name and may refer to secrets)
Shuan (Japanese heritage)
Tan (Asian heritage)
Wilg (Dutch heritage... means willow)